Monday Night Prayer Gatherings

Every last Monday of each month7-8pm on Zoom

Monday Night Prayer Gatherings are led by Pastor Harold. We gather to pray for the presence of God to show up, the power of God to be extended, and the purposes of God to be fulfilled. 

Prayer E-Chain

Some of our Asbury members have volunteered to be a part of this special Prayer Ministry, praying for our families' and friends’ needs as soon as we are notified.

If you have a need you'd like the members of the PRAYER E-CHAIN to pray for, please email Gale Hoerz.

You may ask for privacy, which will be respected.

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40 Days of Devotionals

40 days of devotional ideas to help you slow down

Let’s slow down together. Take time to connect with God, reflect on who He is, pray, get creative and embrace slowing down.⁠

Kids Prayer Challenge

Wanna pray with your kids?

Check out the attached document to go through a 4 week prayer challenge. Originally, we did this July 2020 but it can still be helpful for you whenever you want to start it!

Week 1- Prayer Walk/Drive bingo
Week 2- Praying the Psalms
Week 3- Praying for other people
Week 4- Lectio Divina (Praying with Scripture)

Praying the Psalms: The Psalms and Emotions

Below is a short PDF guide to help you pray through the Psalms. There is a step by step process to help you pray through a Psalm of your choosing. Additionally, there is a list of various suggested Psalms to turn to for various feelings.